Well, I am really not doing well at keeping this updated, however, I am working on it! So school has been back in session for a month now, both of my girlies are in school now. I have had the opportunity to be a Stay-at-Home Mommy for the past 4 years, my only complaint- home without a car!! So now I am going to be a Work-at-Home Mommy!!! I think it is very important to be home for my girls and I am lucky enough to have 2 opportunities that allow me to do so. Being a Massage Therapist is wonderful because I can work while my girls are in school and my Mary Kay business also offers this flexibility. I am also blessed with a husband that feels that staying home for our girls is NECESSARY and works very hard to allow me to do this!
So a lot of things have changed this month. Megan started 3rd grade this year and LOVES it!!! (well, everything except math) She was chosen for Chorus and is excited to try out for a few parts in their Christmas show. Maya is in VPK and LOVES her teacher Ms. Leigh Ann!!! So yes, I am actually home ALONE for the 1st time in a long time. The 1st day of school the house was eerily quiet, but it's been nice. Don't get me wrong, I miss my girls, especially my Doodlebug, but I think I appreciate them a little more because they are not with me ALL day!!! So, because I have to take Maya to school and I want to start working a bit, we purchased a car!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!! So, if anyone needs a massage or a facial and makeover, CALL ME!!!!!!
I will post pics of the girls soon as well as our newest Padgett Family Pic soon! Megan's hair has grown a lot and Maya's has too!! TTFN!!!
The Padgett Family Post
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
So I am finally catching up and will hopefully stay that way! We went to Alabama this weekend for Marc's uncle's wedding. Paul is only 3-4years older than Marc and I and is his mom's baby brother. We were grateful to be able to witness Paul and Tricia pledging their love and lives to each other. The ceremony was beautiful and the bride was GORGEOUS and the groom was HANDSOME!! The reception was at a beautiful southern mansion and was loads of fun!! Marc and I danced and laughed and so did the girls!!! Here are some pics of the beautiful day!

The bride and groom :)

Nana Britt and Paul.

My Princess and Doodlebug!!( Please ignore the tatt.)

Marc and Mom.

Nana Britt and Maya! She loves her Nana!!

Peggy and I getting down!! (Pic courtesy of Megan)

That is one HOT Nana!!! Can you believe those are great-granddaughters?

The bride and groom :)

Nana Britt and Paul.

My Princess and Doodlebug!!( Please ignore the tatt.)

Marc and Mom.

Nana Britt and Maya! She loves her Nana!!

Peggy and I getting down!! (Pic courtesy of Megan)

That is one HOT Nana!!! Can you believe those are great-granddaughters?
IT'S GREAT TO BE 8!!!!!!!

So my little girl turned 8 on April 6th! I cannot believe it!! She was baptized on Saturday April 17th, 2010 by her Daddy! She has been looking forward to this day since she turned 7!! It was a family affair to remember. Her Papa happens to be the Bishop so he conducted and presided. Her Nana gave the opening prayer. Sister Kiser was our pianist and Megan loves her SO much!! A friend Mike Upchurch spoke beautifully about Baptism. Her Daddy performed the Baptismal Ordinance while her Papa and Big Papa stood as witnesses. Her beautiful cousins sang "I Am a Child of God" and her Uncle Brad spoke to HER about the Gift of the Holy Ghost! Her cousin Elma gave the closing prayer and then we had the yummy cupcakes that Megan and her cousin A made all by themselves. (maybe a little help from Mimi). A special thanks to her Mimi who helped me put together the programs and make the refreshments, I would've gone crazy that day if she hadn't helped. THANKS SOOOOO MUCH MIA!!!! Megan and A made funfetti cupcakes, frosted them and put 2 lifesavers on top (to make a 8) and they did a beautiful job! Thanks to all who were there to share in that wonderful moment in Megan's life!!!

So as you may know I am lucky enough to be the Apollo Beach Ward/Branch Camp Leader. There is NO sarcasm in this at all, I truly LOVE going to Girls Camp with these AMAZING Young Women!!! This is my 4th year attending and I hope I never get released!!! I was so proud of our girls, they were wonderful representatives of our ward and the gospel!! The YCL's were great examples and served the other girls as the Savior would have. I was also lucky enough to have my wonderful mother-in-law as my assistant. Now, she has done her share of camping (8 years actually) and it's not her favorite thing to do, but she was a trooper and the girls really enjoyed having her there!!! Another thing that I think the young women really enjoyed was having their Bishop there all week!!! They enjoyed getting to know him and spending time with him! I believe they gained great love and appreciation for him that week!
Another reason that I LOVE Girls Camp is the fact that I get to spend an entire week with my nieces Reina, Elma and now Laura Linda. I love these girls like they were my own and even though I know there mother misses them a lot, I'm glad to spend time with them and watch the gospel touch them while they are having fun, learning and serving!
There were a lot of cool things at camp this year: horseback riding (Joy was a nice horsey), archery, rifle shooting, crafts, chores, path building and much more!! We were fortunate to hear from our Stake President and Pres. Jensen the things that the youth needs to hear and some of us adults also.
There is so much pressure on our youth today and I think that a week at Girls Camp away from the world and all the noise helps put into perspective for them and us that we need some quiet in our lives to feel the Spirit and get direction in our lives. I am very thankful for the opportunity that I had to learn from these young women and for the love and respect that I gain for them year after year!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I'm sure you are all wondering why my Doodlebug is dressed like this and wearing make-up.......... Today was Wacky Wednesday at her school, so we fixed her hair "wacky" and dressed her up in a skirt (with black pants underneath)her rainbow converse and a little bit of make-up! She's a little camera shy as you can see, J/K! She was even wackier looking when she got home from school, I should've taken a picture of that. Anna Banana also got all dressed up today, they are SO cute!!
So we are doing well here in the Padgett home. Megan is an awesome 2nd Grader and is doing so well at school! She will be 8 in April (I can't believe that!) and is looking forward to being baptized! Maya is turning 4 in June and has quite a personality! She is attending a Montessori school and loves it!! She gets to go with her BF Anna and they have fun together (most of the time). Marc started a lawn business with a couple of neighbors, MJM Landscaping, so if you need some work done please let us know. He is also working at Mercedes Homes (again, I say again because he was laid off April of last year and was unemployed for most of the year) part-time, he was re-hired at the beginning of November and we are grateful for some steady income coming in. I am still at home with my girls and my surrogate kids Matthew and Anna. I am also working on building my Mary Kay business, so if you or someone you know wants to make extra money or just be pampered please let me know, I would be happy to help them out!!
Marc and I received new callings this year. I am in charge of the Ward Bulletin and I am also the Sharing Time Specialist in Primary. My wonderful husband is the Young Men's President and he is is doing an amazing job! I am SO proud of him and the great example he is to them and our children!! Oh, I am also the Ward Camp Leader for the 4th year I think, I LOVE IT!!!
So things were rough, but they aren't so bad anymore and we have faith that they will get better!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Megan turned 7 during Spring Break!! Can you believe it?!! I can't! We had plans to go to Disney, the Magic Kingdom, but those plans changed. Auntie Melanie and Uncle Charlie set it up and we were very greatful, unfortunately, it didn't happen like we planned. It was a windy yucky day and we ended up coming home and eating pizza and spending 3 hours at Chuck E. Cheese's instead. She had fun! She got to bring her friend Tanner and Maya got to bring Anna Banana. Even though it didn't come off as planned it was a good day!! I was also very impressed how my hubby kept his cool throughout all the stumbling blocks of the day. Great family time!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Okay so I have been super bad at this whole blogging thing. I will try and do better. Lots of things have happened and I need to catch up. We have this really cool videophone, Maya has fun talking to Daddy on it and seeing him. It is actually going to be featured on Celebrity Apprentice on March 22nd, we think it is pretty cool!!
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